CHI Express


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Improve Customer Experience by CSAT & NPS Feedback

Give your team the tools to increase customer happiness. Set questions – Schedule Survey – Get Feedback by SMS, Email – NPS Dashboards Captures customer satisfaction information directly from your website, mobile apps, or by SMS or by Email notifications.

Review real-time CSAT & NPS metrics to improve customer experience. Automating routine tasks like sending reminders, payment information, making communication by digital mediums, enhancing engagement and retain relationships with customers, vendors and employees.

Survey Reporting By Real-Time CX, CSAT & NPS Dashboards
Real-time customer survey analytics helps to measure CX, CSAT & NPS. IT enabled customer experience management solution help to implement business intelligence reports based on your customer satisfaction objectives and happiness measures. In more diverse scenario CX applications are integrated and aligned to capture customer experience data from CRM or ERP system.

The CHI® Express dashboards are designed to review and compare the customer experience pattern and can drill-down to the customer feedback data in real-time. Helps to measure CSAT & NPS for automobile, banking, retail, healthcare, hospitality, education and public utility services and several other industries. The easiest and most effective way to capture actionable customer feedback.