Digital Remedy


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AdReady the Platform

For us ‘tech’ is more than just a buzzword to increase Google ranking. Our platform, AdReady, is where we spend most of our time tracking campaigns, setting up run dates, and analyzing data. It’s the technology we built because no other platform was capable of providing our clients the best end-to-end experience from RFP to renewal and everything in between.

‘Remediers’ the People

Our employees are the heart and soul of Digital Remedy. They’re the reason we’re top of the list as media execution experts, the reason why we’re one of the best places to work, and the reason why many of our clients stick around. The dedication and knowledge our teams bring to the table is second to none. They say it takes 10,000 hours to master a craft, we say you’re never done learning.

We’re Down With OTT

OTT viewing combines the power of digital advertising with the premium content of traditional television, creating one of the most compelling and engaging user experiences.

The Digital Remedy Flip Solution offers clients the ability to target audiences using cross-segment modeling, multi-device touchpoints, and targeting based on demographic, device, location, and behavioral data. Our extensive list of targeting and inventory partners provides clients the opportunity to engage with this highly valuable audience at scale, connecting with them in the right place, at the right time. If your audience is flipping through channels (and platforms), so should your advertising.