FATREL NoFollow Link Highlighter

FATREL NoFollow Link Highlighter

FATREL NoFollow Link Highlighter


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FATREL NoFollow Link Highlighter
Check for NoFollow, UGC and sponsored links on any webpage.
Install for free on Google Chrome!

The most up to date, simple and sophisticated NoFollow link highlighter
FATREL checks for the latest rel= tags supported by Google as well as nofollow. With a simple click of a button from the chrome extension you can turn on any or all of the rel checkers. On the page you will see which links are nofollow, ugc or sponsored clearly highlighted with a colour code.

Who are FATJOE?
We’re the guys behind FATREL, but more importantly, FATJOE are an outsourced link building and content provider for SEO agencies. With premium services such as Blogger Outreach, Press Release Distribution and Content Writing, FATJOE make it convenient and easy for SEO agencies to scale without increasing overheads.