Gorilla Toolz


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Grow, Manage and Develop Your Partner EcoSystem
Launch quickly and provide immediate benefit to your global partner ecosystem.
Your Branded Partner Portal

Branding in your partner portal matches your website. Your home page can provide fast paths to the most common partner functions as well as live updates from your blog, RSS or twitter feed.

Exercise as much or as little control over the portal appearance and content as you wish. Create your own pages within the portal with full HTML capability. Even create special home pages for different partner types-resellers, strategic partners, distributors, however you characterize them.

You give all your partner-facing features the same appearance even for external functions, such as a specialized quote or learning management system, by using EcoSoft 5.0™ integration and Single Sign-On capabilities.

Register Leads, Opportunities & Deals

Configure lead, opportunity, and deal management for your needs and terminology.

Partners can easily enter their leads/opportunities, register deals and apply for incentives.

You can register leads, assign partners, then track in the same way as partner-registered opportunities, with the same metrics and performance analysis.

Use integration with leading marketing automation systems to acquire more leads. Identify your own campaigns and those for leads imported from an integrated system to track campaign as well as partner metrics and analytics.