

Why Kreatio CMS is better than WordPress, Joomla or Drupal?
Why should a digital publisher pick up the Kreatio CMS instead of a more popular opensource CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla?

Best in class digital publishing platforms
Kreatio’s products have been built exclusively for business use. A corporate wanting a CMS for one website? Or a media house with multiple publications, paywalls, native advertising, newsletters and microsites? Our products cover all of your needs. They are built for fast deployment and are easy to use.

Wherever you are in the world, Kreatio gives you the edge with fast websites, round the clock monitoring and 24-hour support. And we don’t burn a hole in your pocket; promise!

Managing, publishing, and editing content should not be a nightmare. As a digital publisher, you should be able to focus on creating and monetizing content. Getting it to your readers in an easy to digest format should take a few clicks, not an hour-long process. Kreatio CMS was built by publishers for publishers and will amaze you with its customizability and automation.

All of Kreatio CMS’s features have four goals in mind:
Teamwork Maximization
Every miscommunication creates problems that waste time. Obstacles in collaboration hold back creativity and prevent your team and partners from reaching your full potential.

Kreatio CMS seamlessly integrates your different websites and tools. Your data is quickly transferred. Integrate it with third-party systems without being surprised by nasty compatibility issues. Our customers love Kreatio CMS because of how easy it is to connect to subscription systems, CRM, Analytics, and video platforms.

Divide and Conquer
Use Kreatio CMS to efficiently set rules on who can edit and publish different pieces. Work with different partners? Have different remote team members? Constantly use native advertising partners and have dozens of bloggers?

Everyone has a part to play. Easily give different partners or team members different viewing, editing, and publishing powers. Work on a secretive need-to-know basis, or let everyone see the big picture.

Kreatio CMS is a web content management (WCM) platform, built ground up with collaboration, productivity, speed and monetization in mind. Websites on the Kreatio CMS are responsive from day one and are optimized for SEO including editable URLs.

There’s nothing worse than being forced to use a one-size-fits-all software. You are a unique business, with different needs and advantages. Kreatio CMS allows you to customize every tiny, single step in the publishing process.

Our software is divided into modules and each module into workspaces. You determine which users can access and see each module.

Different templates are best for different types of content. Split-testing them is the go-to way to grow your site. Create as many templates as you want for your site, and create rules for when they are used. If you want certain content to always use a certain template, there’s an easy way to do that. Or you can run it as a headless system to feed into other systems. All templates can be edited as much as you need.

The Little Things Made Easy
Kreatio CMS supports multiple languages, you can even mix languages in the same article!

Use the preview to instantly see how the article you are working on will look live. Use the review to show someone else your work before the whole world sees it. Copy-paste from Microsoft Word with or without formatting. Compare two versions of the same article with a single click. Get fine-grained control over your article listings.

Kreatio CMS is packed with Artificial Intelligence to make everything a whole lot easier.

Image management is a breeze. AI automatically tags images to help you find and reuse them quickly. Image search is instant and predictive. You will be shocked by how easy it is to edit images right from your browser.

Highlight and focus-in on certain parts of the image. When you include an image in content, tag it to remember where it’s been used. All of this is crucial to get the most out of your written content and organize your gorgeous visuals.

Our AI is equally powerful with documents. Search through multiple documents at once to find the text you are looking for. See how effective your employees are by analyzing author productivity. You can pick two dates and evaluate performance by several metrics. You can compare authors on the same site or track an author across sites.

Complete flexibility allows you to optimize your content for monetization. Add forms for leaden, or poll to boost engagement. The inbuilt commenting system allows you to insert your own ads in between the comments, allowing you to profit from viral content.

Worried about costs? The Kreatio CMS follows a microservices architecture, with the ability to scale individual services up and down. You only spend money on the services that are making you money.