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Drive more leads to your LinkedIn profile

ProTop automatically visits LinkedIn profiles based on your search criteria. Ensuring your LinkedIn Profile is among the TOP most visited. Did you know around 8% of all visited profiles return to read your profile and the services you offer!

Autovisit profiles

ProTop visits 1000 profiles per day. Define search criteria and start an automatic visit of found profiles.


LinkedIn Notifies person that you visited her profile. This shows in top right notifications icon when LinkedIn user is logged into profile.

Enhanced profile engagement

Curiosity drives them to know more about business and services you offer. Enhanced engagement automatically gives you more results and you become better listed in LinkedIn search results.

How It Works

ProTop is easy to use autovisit tool for LinkedIn users.

Go to ProTop at Google Chrome Store and click Add To Chrome button.

Once added, you will see ProTop icon with a zero counter on it. This is your daily counter of visited profiles by ProTop extension. Also LinkedIn search tab will start automatically and you will see the following screen.

Now you have to go back to website and Register for 14 days trial plan, if you didn’t register and trying to use ProTop very first time. Otherwise, type in your email and you can start using it.