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The taste of great creative
Easily understand your ad creative performance.
Get actionable insights you need in real-time.
Feed your creativity
Get actionable insights on ad creative performance based on your KPIs, in real time
Never miss out
Watch out for fatigue and creative trends before they affect your performance
Close the loop
Ensure great communication and collaboration between your creative & media teams
Fast. Simple. Insightful.
Connect an Ad account
Provide Pudding with a view access to your digital channel. Such as Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads, Youtube.
Make a cup of coffee
Our AI runs automatically over all the creatives – images, text copy, and videos and analyzes them, comparing the results to performance KPIs.
Enjoy real-time insights
Explore tips and insights to understand what makes your best ad creative – best! Gain suggestions on how to improve it.
With Pudding.ai you can easily
View the performance of your ad creatives in real-time
See which creative elements help or hurt your KPIs
Get actionable insights for future campaigns
Share data with everyone in your team
Currently supporting: Facebook ads support Google ads support
Your superpower is creativity, ours is to help you see it
Ready to hit your creative sweet spot?
The taste of great creative