

from Rs12000
  • Monthly Subscription


Everything you need to start selling online
Your Domain & Email IDs

Get your own proffessional domain like with matching email IDs to talk to your customers

Web & Mobile Store

Responsive Web and Mobile store for both your mobile users and desktop users

Android & iPhone Store Apps

60% of Internet traffic is on the mobile. You have an option to includes an Android app or iOS phone app

Facebook Store

* Leverage your existing network. Sell directly on the worlds largest social media network

Built In SEO

Your store is fully SEO optimized automatically with Googles latest algorithm changes.

Builtin Marketing

Built in tools and automation to bring more customers to your store

Payment Gateway

Accept COD, Bank Transfer, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Wallets and Net banking payments on your store

Beautiful Store Designs

Choose a design from our handcrafted themes. You can also customize each theme further.

Email & SMS Notifications

Keep your customers upto date as you progress through an order. Get status updates on emails and SMS

Admin Panel

# Full fleged admin panel to manage your store, from anywhere, at antime and on any device!

If you would like to discover more Facebook, SEO or SMS, please explore the site further