SiteImprove Ads

SiteImprove Ads
A smarter way to optimize paid search
Siteimprove Ads automatically audits your Google Ads campaigns for improvements in ads, landing pages, and budgets so you can save time on the basics and focus on growth. With actionable insights and practical recommendations, you can effortlessly align across teams and start optimising your ads immediately.
Drive traffic
Optimise ads to drive more traffic
Easily identify which campaigns need attention and prioritise accordingly. Siteimprove Ads demystifies Google’s Quality Score and highlights its impact on a campaign, ad group, and keyword level, so you can understand what influences ad cost and can optimise for more traffic at lower costs
Increase conversions
Optimise landing pages to increase conversions
A landing page is your one opportunity to make a good impression and convert traffic. Siteimprove Ads automatically provides you with a prioritised list of conversion blockers. By connecting Siteimprove Analytics, you can use Heat Maps to understand visitor behaviour on each landing page. Prioritise issues based on severity level, then jump directly into your CMS to tweak landing pages and boost conversion rates.
Analyse budget
Optimise budget to make your spend count
With multiple ads and campaigns running, it’s easy to lose track of your spending. Budget Analysis helps you visualise where your budget is going — and where it might be better spent. Siteimprove Ads automatically highlights unjustified ad investment, identifies non-converting keywords, and provides clear keyword recommendations. So you can wisely allocate your budget and get more for your money.