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Analyze Website Traffic In Real-Time with Snitcher
Want to know which companies visit your website? With Snitcher, you can not only see the companies that visit your website but also what they do there. Just set up your Snitcher account and link it with your site’s Google Analytics profile. Once you do that, Snitcher will analyze your website traffic in real-time to see which companies are visiting your website and their respective activities.
Snitcher is an official Google Technology partner. Its powerful filtering process builds autonomous segments that organize potential leads according to the companies’ attributes and by their actions on your website.
See which companies are visiting your website
Snitcher shows you which companies are visiting your website, and what they do there.
1. Connect
Create an account, and link your website’s Google Analytics profile to your Snitcher dashboard.
2. Analyse
Snitcher will analyse your traffic in real-time to identify which companies are visiting your website, and what they do there.
3. Acquire
View the companies in your Snitcher dashboard, or use one of our 500+ integrations to export them to your CRM.
All the data you need
As an official Google Technology Partner, Snitcher integrates with your Google Analytics profile to retroactively identify who has visited your site, how they found you, and what they were looking for.
Nothing to install. Get set-up in seconds.
Powerful filtering and action-based segmentation
Build autonomous segments to organize potential leads based on their companies’ attributes and the actions they perform on your website. By assigning segments to a person or team, routing leads to the right people has never been easier!
Manage leads as a team
The Lead Inbox brings all your website’s potential leads into a single filterable stream and equips your entire team with the tools for a collaborative workflow. Live activity updates show you in real-time when a teammate is viewing or handling a lead, to ensure you will never get your wires crossed.