

  • Contact Vendor


Our mission, generate leads more efficiently thanks to Artificial Intelligence
Sparklane created Augmented Commercial

Sparklane revolutionizes prospecting

Create your target in 3 clicks

From your sales history, our algorithms identify a territory with the best accounts

My list of accounts
Identify your future customers at a glance

We recommend the accounts with the best conversion score

My alerts
Receive alerts on your accounts

Every day we monitor all the news of your accounts and send you the best business signals that will save you time and efficiency

My contacts
Stop wasting time looking for the right contact person

We suggest the right contact and his email and telephone details

Why choose Sparklane

Ability to analyze millions of business data with the best Artificial Intelligence technologies of the moment

Access millions of contacts in Europe with emails and direct phones updated in real time

Business Signals
Receive the right business signals every day to help you generate leads more effectively

SaaS solution
Benefit from a unique user experience, more than 90% of our customers recommend our solution

Commercial pitch
Suggestion of the best sales pitch based on the context and account characteristics

Benefit from personalized advice on commercial efficiency and optimization of the prospecting path