TL Connects
TL Connects
- Monthly Subscription
Build Loyalty
Build Community
Increase Sales
through our loyalty kiosk and automated text marketing platform
Loyalty Kiosk
Fast & Easy Sign-up
With the TL Connects LTE-enabled custom loyalty kiosk you’ll increase your sign-ups as much as 10x. The kiosk will be placed at your point-of-sale, hostess station, or bring one to an event. Track Your Offers With the kiosk, you can now track all your offers.
When sending out a text message customers will be asked to redeem at kiosk and once they redeem they will receive a time stamp and dated text. You can also promote keywords on Facebook, Instagram, and others through other marketing with a unique keyword that activates and offer for your customer to redeem at the kiosk.
Promote your Business with a 98% Open Rate
Quickly create textALERT campaigns or schedule custom auto-responders sent automatically to customers at pre-determined intervals, such as 1 hour or five minutes after sign-up.