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SEO PowerSuite Link Explorer is the Web’s freshest and fastest growing backlink index, and the primary source of backlink data for SEO PowerSuite.

Why WebMeUp? We deliver HUGE numbers of links to those who really need them
A unique methodology allows us to show HUGE numbers of links to those who really need them: owners of growing sites. Not Amazon or Ebay or other giants who are already in top 10 for thousands of search terms. This index is created for owners of smaller sites who really need SEO for growing their business. And we will be able to show more links for such sites than other backlink checkers.

This is how we differ from other backlink checkers, and this is what we’re proud of.

You do the most impactful SEO tasks with WebMeUp backlink tool
If the profit of your business really depends on SEO and high rankings, WebMeUp backlink tool is for you:

See unique, SEO-significant backlinks for any site
Evaluate your link profile and see what links might put you at risk
Download links of any competing site to acquire the best links they have
Isn’t it you who needs to care about getting more links every day? And isn’t it you who wants to avoid the risk of getting a Penguin penalty for poor link quality? Check backlinks with WebMeUp tool, and find more links than anywhere else.

The best price in the industry
With Google becoming more picky about links every day, website owners and SEOs see growing needs for lots of links for research. And when you need lots of links, SEO becomes an expensive job.

We’re offering the most affordable pricing plans for link search and evaluation. You can check out the pricing plans here.

Only unique links with SEO impact
This saves you time analyzing links (and saves us storage space as well): we do not show duplicate links. The most common case is: Your page A has 3 links from someone else’s page B. Physically, you have 3 links. But search engines will only count your first link on a page. So we will only show you this first link – saving you time and unloading our resources to find more unique links for you.

Is this fresh index?
This is the freshest backlink database available to public. New links are added every second, and full database update happens every 4 weeks, with dead links getting removed. Besides, the smart crawling algo checks more important and dynamic pages more often, so some pages can even be recrawled and links updated every day.