x2x eCommerce

x2x eCommerce
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x2x eCommerce integrates with the top of the line ERP and POS solutions
(Also available in Spanish language)
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Busines Central
Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration
Retail Management Hero Integration
Magento Integration
Shopify Integration
x2x eCommerce offers Dynamics GP, RMS, Retail Hero integrated eCommerce
revolutionary solution combining the power of ERP/POS software and Enterprise eCommerce
ERP POS Integrated eCommerce Module
Supports eCommerce platforms such as magento woocommerce and shopify
e-commerce platforms such as Magento, WooCommerce and Shopify
Start selling right away with Amazon and other Marketplaces
Supports Microsoft Dynamics GP, RMS and Retail Management Hero and NetSuite
Supports Microsoft Dynamics GP, Dynamics 365, RMs, Retail Management Hero and NetSuite
Fully Secure PCI DSS Enabled Checkout
Warehouse Management System Compatible
Custom eCommerce App for iPhone and Android
iPhone &
All Videos
How x2x e-commerce is the best addon for your webstore
How x2x e-commerce is the best addon for your webstore
x2x eCommerce is the most recommended addon for your webstore. Our experts can guide you through more about the features from managing inventories to invoices. Why don’t you request a quick demo today? Sign up for a demo at www.x2x-ecommerce.com today! Or email us at info@x2x-ecommerce.com
How to seamlessly integrate eCommerce Suite for Magento & ERP Solutions
How to seamlessly integrate eCommerce Suite for Magento & ERP Solutions
Revolutionary solution combining the power of Dynamics ERP and Enterprise eCommerce. Features: 1. Dynamics ERP and Enterprise eCommerce 2. Dynamics ERP integrated eCommerce module 3. Live in 4 weeks 4. Start selling right away with Amazon and other Marketplaces 5. Have you own Marketplace 6. Fully secure, PCI DSS enabled checkout 7. Multi-device compatible 8. Warehouse Management System compatible 9. Custom eCommerce app for iPhone/Android Visit https://www.x2x-ecommerce.com for more information!
How to create B2B Customers with Customer Specific Pricing – eCommerce Software
How to create B2B Customers with Customer Specific Pricing – eCommerce Software
You want your regular or Business to Business customers to be able to check the prices, review the products, compare the different products and place the orders at any time at their own convenience With x2x ecommerce setting up your customers on the webstore with their specific pricing is as easy as 1-2-3! Need help? We highly recommend you to attend our 45-minute quick demo to learn about x2x eCommerce! Get in touch with our eCommerce Experts today to answer all your questions today! Visit www.x2x-ecommerce.com for more!
x2x eCommerce – The Revolutionary eCommerce Suite powered by Dynamics GP!
x2x eCommerce – The Revolutionary eCommerce Suite powered by Dynamics GP!
x2x eCommerce is the first eCommerce solution powered by Microsoft Dynamics GP (back-end) and Magento on the storefront. x2x eCommerce is the first and the only solution that add an eCommerce module to Dynamics GP and uses the latest and comprehensive web front components provided by Magento eCommerce. Need help? We highly recommend you to attend our 45-minute quick demo to learn about x2x eCommerce! Get in touch with our eCommerce Experts today to answer all your questions today! Visit http://www.x2x-ecommerce.com for more!
Read more about eCommerce integration features and Cases on how x2x eCommerce has benefited customers across the region.
If you would like to discover more Digital Marketing, B2B, Ecommerce or Shopify, please explore the site further