10-point checklist for a perfect Google Analytics setup

10-point checklist for a perfect Google Analytics setup
10-point checklist for a perfect Google Analytics setup
In the last 10 years I have audited dozens, or probably even hundreds of Google Analytics accounts. Most setups are far from collecting meaningful and reliable data.
This post will equip you with tools and tips to improve your setup in the next few days. I will discuss 10 different items that are important to get right from the start.
1. Account structure and raw data view
Google Analytics allows you to set up one account with multiple properties and reporting views. Read this support article if you are not completely familiar with it yet.
There is one golden rule here, always keep one data view without filters and/or other modifications. This is called a raw data view.
Filters and their effect on your historical data cannot be undone. Start out with segments and move to filters once you get more experienced with segmentation in general.
Every company should set up a few data views including raw data view and one view with IP address filters. This reporting view guide will tell you all you need about setting up different views for your business.
2. Bot filtering
In all your reporting views – except your raw data view – you need to turn on the bot filter setting.