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Key Opinion Leader Mapping

We create ​influence cartography
and identify KOL in your field.

Data makes the difference

Regular KOL Identification
Person to person calling
Results based on individual perception
Time and budget consuming process
Delivery times in months for the deliverables

Bluenod KOL Intelligence
​Data retrieved from live environments
Data-driven report
Budget saving and quality reporting
​Delivery within days

Discover the Bluenod report

KOL profiling
Obtain a detailed profile of each Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and identified stakeholders with contact details and a general description of their activities.
Setting up a database of active persons
Collect the social profile of people active in the community of interest to target them with specific content.
Mapping of KOL and stakeholders
Have an overview of interactions through a comprehensive mapping of the community of interest.
Available for many industries
Bluenod provides valuable information to the healthcare industry by mapping therapeutic areas according to disease or medical fields. ​In particular, the pharmaceutical industry requests our services to inform pre- and post-launch efforts.​


Media and politics
Media organisations can boost the promotion of their content by targeting influential actors. Political organisations can pinpoint the main actors in their influence network to engage with them.

Other industries
Whether to inform on pre- and post-launch phases of a product release or to engage with powerful customers, Bluenod reports support the largest companies in their community of interest.​

Want to identify KOL?

About us
Bluenod started as a couple of friends in Paris area trying to make sense of Twitter by mapping interactions on a home-made software. A decade later, Bluenod releases a comprehensive service to support young and established companies seeking to identify their KOLs.
The team is a mix of diverse experience in software development, social media management, scientific communication, and innovation consulting. We work with curious minds to explore communities of interest to identify the most interesting people to contact.