Jordan L.


With just under half a decade worth of experience working with FTSE 250+ brands to small startups, I know all the ins and outs to enable your business to grow via digital marketing. Whether it’s getting your tracking setup, structuring your marketing strategy or upscaling your existing marketing strategy through promotion, I will get things into shape so that your business can grow efficiently.

I’m here to help your business outgrow my services. With the rise of complexity in marketing, there’s no more middle man. You now have to speak to your customers directly whilst new customers and existing customers engage with you brand in more places than ever before. Knowing how to solve the complex problems of digital, connect all of the data points, and navigating the multi-touch landscape is the key to sustainable growth. Brands cannot navigate through the rise in complexity alone. And when you get too big for me, I know I’ve done my job.

With experience of spending over £35 million on Facebook & Google, I know how to treat every penny like a pound. From working with brands in home and garden, telecommunications, automotive and many more, I understand how to grow and scale businesses like nobody else.

I also understand that more budget is not always the answer. If the strategy is not right, more spend will just expose this faster. I work with intelligent brands who want to grow sustainably and I provide the technological, marketing, and creative support in order to grow your brand.

I focus on full funnel growth with the only goal of being sustainable across acquisition, conversion and retention using a range of tools from data analytics and insights, media, creative and website performance. The goal is connecting the complexity gap. I can help you to do this.