Back in the 1950s, our founders Bill Gordon, George Prince and their team studied thousands of hours of tape recorded innovation sessions to find the answer to
“what is really going on between the people in the group to help them create and implement successfully?”
William J. J. Gordon, Bill Gordon, Synectics Innovation Process, Synetics, Innovation Consulting, brainstorming, synectics, collaborative thinking,
Bill Gordon, Synectics, Inc.
They called the answer the Synectics Creative-Problem-Solving Methodology, which has expanded into the Synecticsworld’s expertise on how people work creatively and collaboratively to create innovative solutions to some of the world’s most difficult challenges.
The unique Synecticsworld innovation process to the art of problem solving has taken us to many different destinations. We have worked on assignments in both the public and private sectors, in product and service innovation, business process improvement, cost reduction and the reinvention of business models and strategies.
It is our on-going goal to guide and inspire our clients to engage the Synectics innovation process to create innovative ideas, innovative solutions, and activate new, powerful, and innovative solutions.
Today, neuroscience gives us an incredible window into the inner workings of the human brain. It has also substantiated the outcomes Synecticsworld’s founders reached with their simple tape recorder. More importantly, our founders built a model of what to do with these insights – the Synectics Creative Problem Solving model the process to innovative work.