Grow & Scale Winning Facebook Ad Campaigns

Grow & Scale Winning Facebook Ad Campaigns
Grow & Scale Winning Facebook Ad Campaigns – Advanced Training:
How To Profitably Scale a Winning Facebook Ad
Tired of “one-and-done” ad campaigns that fizzle out and fail to scale? Here’s a proven process for expanding your reach, traffic, and leads…WITHOUT sacrificing cashflow and profitability.
Here’s What We’ll Create Together
In this brand-new training, you’ll leverage AdPros founder Nehal Kazim’s step-by-step formula to construct a tailored-to-your-business framework that identifies and optimizes your most successful Facebook ad campaigns so you can effectively (and responsibly) scale your reach and ad spend WITHOUT resorting to spammy tactics that viola Facebook’s ever-changing Terms of Service.
You’ll also…
Leverage Nehal Kazim’s model for determining which of your ads are making the biggest impact on your business… and how you can apply this formula holistically to your entire marketing strategy
Learn exactly when to cut failing ads entirely — so you can allocate your budget to the ads that are actually WORKING
Follow a proven, step-by-step process for scaling your most successful Facebook ads based on your business’ cash flow, risk tolerance, and ideal growth rate (this process can also apply to other paid media channels)
Optimize every aspect of your ads to amplify your business’ reach and attract more customers at the highest ROI possible.
Create “custom columns” inside the Facebook Ads Manager that will provide you with the highest quality data relative to your campaign (and eliminate the data you don’t)
Architect and wireframe a winning Facebook ad campaign in a matter of hours…not days.
Complete Nehal’s tested & proven “Decision Making Framework Template” to take your company from where it is now, to where you WANT to be… at a velocity that is right for your business
Snag this training today, and let’s start building YOUR high-converting Facebook Ad framework…
What Are You Going To Do When Your BEST Facebook Ad Campaign Stops Converting?
And what will you do when your costs-per-click skyrocket?
Or worse, do you have a backup plan if Facebook “randomly” pulls down your highest-performing ad?
At DigitalMarketer, we’ve heard these horror story a million times over the years, because the fact is, there is a difference between LAUNCHING a Facebook ad campaign and SCALING a Facebook ad campaign.
If you want to grow, you must learn the secrets of scaling a winning Facebook campaign, and that’s what this training is all about.
Here’s the Secret To “Profitable Scale”…
This framework is designed to make scaling your Facebook ads both simple and profitable. Here’s a quick overview of the process:
STEP 1: Utilize our “Decision Making Framework Template” to craft a fully optimized, high-converting Facebook ad campaign from scratch (assuming you don’t already have one)
STEP 2: Follow Nehal’s “OKR” model to determine which of your ads are making the biggest impact on your business. (HINT: The actual winner may be an ad set you’re currently ignoring.)
STEP 3: Ask the right questions to determine how much you should be budgeting for your ad spend based on your business’ cash flow, risk tolerance, and ideal growth rate…
STEP 4: Reallocate your budget to scale the winners and prune the “losers” (Pay attention when Nehal gets to this part, because THIS is the key to profitable scale!)
And not only does Nehal fully cover the essential steps of his “Profitable Scaling Framework,” he also throws in more than a few tips and tricks for optimizing your overall marketing strategy along the way…you know…just for fun. 🙂
If you’re running an even mildly-successful Facebook ad campaign, this training will get you higher ROIs. So the only question we have for you is:
Can your business afford NOT to have a Facebook Ad Scaling Plan in 2020?