Site Speed Profits

Site Speed Profits
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WARNING: New Google Update Out
Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned On! Click the Video Above If The Video Doesn’t AutoPlay
Read further to learn what we’ve invented that makes speeding up these failing “Slow Mobile Turtle Sites” as easy as pie.
BTW, theres MILLIONS upon millions of these ‘Turtle Sites’…more than you could contact and help if…
You Had Ten Lifetimes!
Now let’s hear why they’re so excited…
Hi there, it’s Tom Gaddis along with my business partners Nick and Paul…
as far as we can tell ‘Google’s Speed Update’ to their algorithm officially rolled out July 9 2018. Since then, big ‘G’ has released a second update showing a “badge of shame” to slow loading websites November 11th 2019.
This new Google metric uses Mobile loading speed to help determine ranking in the search results…
and slow sites get pushed back DOWN the rankings! It’s unavoidable, because…
Even A ‘Fast’ Turtle
Comes In Last!
We knew this change was coming since we’ve got our finger on the pulse of Google’s changes. We live this business 24/7 and there really is advantage to being first with solutions.
Providing the local consultant with the latest in ‘HOT’ service offerings AND making it easy to implement them is our bread and butter. We live for it.
AND, what we offer to our consultant friends comes directly from our own ‘Real World Testing Laboratory”. Thats right, we experiment first, modify and test some more, before we bring anything to you. (You don’t need to be someone’s ‘guinea pig’.)
**This Speed Update Impacts ALL sites,
whether Mobile or Standard.
It’s when they’re ACCESSED FROM a Mobile Device our strategy does its “speed magic”… and up to 70% of Local Searches are accessed through a mobile device!
Google’s speed update affects ANY website that gets visitors from mobile devices. Inside you’ll discover how to optimize CLIENTS WEBSITES, so they’re not penalized by Google.
Why Would Local Businesses
Care About Their Slow Loading Website?
Simple. According to Google’s statistics, 40% of Mobile Searches have LOCAL INTENT!…
and that means Local businesses cannot afford to ignore such a big chunk of their market.
When potential customers are on their phones, they’re impatient to see the site appear.
They may be in their car, or traveling from out of town. Their frustration with slow loading sites usually causes them to jump to another site’s link… and hey, can you blame them?
But it’s one more customer and one more sale lost.
It gets worse…the Stats are sobering;
**Average time for a website to load on a mobile device is 15 seconds.
**As loading time for pages goes up just 1 to 3 seconds, the bounce rate jumps 32%!
**As it goes up to 10 seconds the bounce rate goes up 123%!! Thats massive and starts to kill customer count AND can affect search ranking.
Sites must be properly optimized to improve these loading times… which means local business sites need professional help.
Consultants can profit like never before because there is no “Simple Quick Trick” To Fool Google! You have to know what you’re doing.
So, Nick and I knew we were onto something big, something that would make a huge difference to local site owners AND to Local Consultants, but still…
We Needed To Find 3 Solutions
Solution #1
Design the best way to find websites that loaded slowly. We needed to some up with a fast, reliable way to do this so a consultant could build a large prospecting database, fast.
Solution #2
Then we needed to engineer a new software application that would automatically (using our search requirements) search and compile all the slow websites at the push of a button.
Solution #3
Finally, we needed to locate and test the most reliable, most efficient and affordable service to perform the ‘speed improvements’ to the sites who hire our consultants.
Not an easy task for sure, so we turned to our long-time friend and Software Marketing Expert..
Paul James
As you may know, Paul has been a major player in the online and offline internet niche for years. He’s connected to some of the best software developers and immediately saw the potential in what we were doing! Better still, he helped us build this unique product from the ground up and, Nick and I are proud to say…
We’re Partnering With Paul
To Bring It To You Today!
The Need for Speed
– Google Site Speed Update Explained
– Why should local businesses care?
– Why this is a HUGE advantage for you
Fulfillment (Do-it-Yourself)
– Things That Will Slow Down Your Website
– How To Minify JS CSS HTML
– Optimizing Your Images
– How to Configure Caching
– Are Comments-Slowing Down Your Site?
– Removing and Updating Plugins
Fulfillment (Outsourced)
Get the exact same outsourcer we use for our clients!
Speed Sniffer Software
– Overview & Access
– Connecting to Google Email
– Prospecting Search
– Speed Report
Case Study Nick Ponte
– Outreach to existing & past clients
– Email examples from closed speed optimization deals
6 Components of a Good Selling Presentation
– Client On-boarding
– A Word on Deliverables
– Social Media Content Creation Guidelines & Resources
– Hiring a Content Writer (sample ad for hiring an outsourcer)
What you’re about to see in this Speed Sniffer Demo is how unbelievably powerful our new software is.
It. Is. Scary. Good.
Click Below To Watch Demo Video
Step-by-Step Training Video’s Included
*Come closer, cause I have an even bigger secret for you.
Make no mistake, it isn’t just some cool marketing tools in a box you’re getting, it’s a Complete Agency Marketing System*.
What I haven’t told you is we took all this cool technology and wrapped our “UNIQUE MARKETING TRAINING” around it, so you don’t have to create or figure anything out for yourself. You’re getting ‘Early Member Access’ to our Video Training…
Tom also reveals some of the best secrets and processes he uses to generate lots of money for himself and his clients.
Our buddy Bruce called it…”The slickest, easiest way to implement this process I’ve ever seen. I pity anybody who tries to do this without watching these videos…”
Once you know how to sell this HOT service, you’ll start by landing interested clients like these… Don’t worry, you’ll know just what to say.
How Do You Make Money
With All This?
Step One,
you’ll use the Site Speed Profits Software to hand you a list of red hot prospects…
Step Two,
you’ll use our proven, tested email templates to contact the same “In Need Of Speed” prospects. Their ‘Turtle Sites’ are costing them ranking, calls, visitors and paying customers.
Step Three,
you’ll sign the clients you want, based on our proven sales path. The case for what you’re offering is strong and very persuasive.
Step Four,
You’ll contact our recommended proven outsource team and hand off the speed improvement gig to them, that’s it!
Full Disclosure: The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
1 Year of Unlimited Lead Searches, Speed Tests,
and Client Reports Included!
Its 100% Hands Free For You!
3 Clients In 1 week Following our System!
Full Disclosure: The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
Let me stop here for moment…I want to emphasize what Im about to say in the strongest possible way…
If You Cannot Make Money
With This, Then…
Forget the Self-Employment Thing!
Sorry, but this calls for strong words. We are giving you everything you need to collect as much as you want. It’s all here. Nothing is missing. There is no excuse now.
It’s a no-brainer to just follow our lead and USE what we give you. Our goal is to see 100% success with this…maybe we won’t hit it, but we will damn sure try.
Wonder Why Your Competitors
Have Time To Focus On Growing Their Business?
It’s really not a mystery. They probably use AUTOMATION much more than you.
They accomplish tasks in only 20% of the time you take. Doing important things manually costs more than you think. It robs you of time and can even feed discouragement.
You think, “Oh man, I have to work on my local client database and I HATE doing that!” Admit it, you’ve said things just like that. I don’t blame you, it’s frustrating to know you’re spending too much time on things that COULD or SHOULD be automated.
So, Screw That Nonsense!
Thats why this new Speed Sniffer Software is so valuable.It does the job better and faster than you ever could…freeing you for other things!
You’re getting the Same Advanced, Inside Secrets we used to gross almost a MILLION DOLLARS last year.
Finally, you’ll attract clients overnight like a powerful magnet without long, arduous work (its just not necessary) – and its all guaranteed.
Believe me, this new training is ready for Primetime 2020.
AND, if you’re extra-ambitious, wanting to run with the Big Dogs and make the Big Money, you cannot afford to miss this. Its exactly what you need and can change your life…if you let it.
Tom Gaddis
“If early indicators mean anything, this software may be our most important yet…”
Nick Ponte
“…It replaces the drudgery of searching for the perfect client…and instead hands them to you on a silver platter..”
Paul James
“My friends know I rarely promote or endorse anyone, but you need this training..get it..don’t delay.”
1 Year of Unlimited Lead Searches, Speed Tests,
and Client Reports Included!
Is This Your BIG BREAK?
Lets get serious… It’s all Done For You. You just need to act.
Here’s your one (and only) opportunity To realize a Quantum Leap forward In Your local consulting practice…
I don’t have to tell you, our courses are always a steal for the first few days, right?
..and then what happens?
They usually jump up to $297. That’s the plan for this one.
Did you know many still buy at that price?
They realize they ‘blew it’ and figure it’s more important to get it than mourn the bargain they missed.
Can I Suggest…
Don’t be forced to pay $297.
Don’t kick yourself for waiting.
Don’t be skeptical.
Don’t think you’ll figure it out alone.
Don’t Overthink it.
Don’t pretend you don’t need it.
Don’t give up. Just Try It.
Don’t get shut out.
Look, the small fee you’ll pay us, won’t make a dime’s worth of difference in our incomes. Modesty aside, we already make good six figure incomes.
We Already Know How To Do This.
It’s YOU that needs more clients, it’s YOU that needs more help, new marketing ideas, more encouragement, better guidance, Its YOU that needs proof that success is within your grasp.
Tell us, what can we do to make 2020 your Best Year Ever?
What will it take to bring you into our group?
We want you plugged in, turned on and knowing what we know. If we’ve left something out, tell us.
We’re old fashioned and really want to help. This is our shared passion. We’ll never be jealous of your success, instead only feel like proud parents.
If You Answer
To Any Of These,
YOU NEED Site Speed Profits:
1. You’re working really hard to find local clients but the fees you’re making just doesn’t justify your effort.
2. You’re tired of buying courses that promise to show you something new, but when you get inside, you realize it’s just more the same – Site Speed Profits is not some rehashed product.
3. You’re tried other methods in the past and they didn’t work as claimed – Site Speed Profits works for anyone that follows the simple steps inside.
4. You want a method that you can scale up as big as you want – With Site Speed Profits you’ll be able to handle a large and growing database of leads and since you’ll be outsourcing the work to our recommended provider, the sky is the limit.
If that sounds like you it’s time to get off the merry-go-round and start making real money and building a real marketing agency.
Right now, lets review all you’re getting in the new “Site Speed Profits” Package…
Need for Speed
Everything you need to know about Google’s Speed Update and how we use it as a foot-in-the-door to get $97-$297 per client.
We show you step-by-step how to fulfill yourself or it you want you can have the same outsourcer we use for our clients, do it for you.
Speed Case Study by Nick Ponte
To show you this isn’t hype, Nick Ponte spent the week leading up to this launch using the Site Speed Profits system to reach out. His results? Over a $1,000 dollars in site speed optimization deals. You’ll get his process and the exact emails he sent to close these deals!
Custom Speed Sniffer Software
The only software available that allows you to pull leads from Google’s own API, run multiple speed tests at once, and email custom reports to your lead as a foot-in-the-door to generate new business.
6 Components of a Good Selling Presentation
Discover the six components that makes closing deals easier than you’ve thought possible.
100% 30 Day “No Worries” Guarantee
Use Site Speed Profits as we show you for 30 days. Really take action! If you show us that you gave it a fair shot and didn’t get any results, we will happily refund your money!
Bottom line is this works 100% if you take action!
If you’re the type of person who just wants to see what the new shiny object is and then immediately ask for a refund, please don’t buy and save us both the hassle.
We’re here to HELP YOU. If you have any questions please send us an email and we’ll do our best to help you!
1 Year of Unlimited Lead Searches, Speed Tests,
and Client Reports Included!
New To Offline Or Experienced
We Help You Get RESULTS
There’s a reason why our training business has grown so much over the last year; Results.
Whether you’re just starting out or established and already working with local businesses, ANYONE can get better results, faster results, and easier results.
And, to make absolutely sure you get results, we’ve laid everything out in easy-to-follow video training. Plus you get access to us via email if you have any questions.
An Offline Sharks Product Launch