
3topia is a young and growing group of high-skilled designers and developers working together on building premium software solutions. We believe our current development price is in the best buy phase – you get premium software solutions for a non-premium price. The goal is to become the agency for custom AI solutions. Currently, we are trying to build an infrastructure of quality developers by building high-quality software. 3topia designed & developed multiple mobile, web apps, and enterprise solutions, but we also have expertise in building AI and IoT solutions. We’re trying to change the perception of the software agency, the software product and the software team. – Instead of forcing one technology, we are a technology-agnostic agency with specialized individuals so we can use technology which will best solve your problem. – The product we provide is not only the bare software but the accomplishments of your business goals as well. – The team is not only us. We welcome you, your domain experts, and decision-makers to be part of the team. That way everyone feels ownership of the final product. Seems utopian, but it’s real!