Andrea L.


In Italy, they say all roads lead to Rome. Well, in 2010 my road led to Rome … 5,000 miles to be exact. After I moved from Alabama to Italy, I discovered the world of working virtually (best discovery yet!) and applied my degree in Communications to helping coaches, course creators, and small business owners spread their message online, regain their time so they could focus on their area of genius, and launch their heart’s work out into the world.

I combined my background in marketing with my skills as an Online Business Manager to help amazing business owners all over the world including lawyers, authors, educators, artists, Realtors, life coaches, and business coaches.

I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of numerous launches – from online courses to group programs, from memberships to books. I’ve helped clients launch their online business and first digital product, and I’ve helped clients scale to reach multiple six figures from a single launch.

It’s tough and completely overwhelming trying to learn and juggle so many things that you’re not passionate about! And learning how to do all these things on your own takes you away from doing what you love … the whole reason why you started your business in the first place.

If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, just not sure where to start, or know you need a helping hand when it comes to marketing and launching your courses and programs, I can help!

Here are some of the ways I can help:

– launch and marketing strategy
– done-for-you launch support
– virtual summit management
– social media marketing
– Facebook Messenger Bots
– sales funnels
lead generation
– setting up marketing systems + automation
– evergreen launch funnel implementation

Some of my recent projects include:

– Helping a life and business coach exceed her launch goals by having a $220K launch.
– Planning, building, and marketing an online course that sells for $5,000.
– Creating and implementing a successful launch plan for a life coach who is bringing her business online.
– Designing and creating a marketing funnel and running a Facebook ads campaign for an online business. The campaign was so successful, the client asked to stop it early because she was at max capacity with the influx of new clients she received.
– Designing and implementing a Messenger Bot Marketing campaign that had over 97% open rates.
– Helping an author and finance expert implement a book launch strategy by growing a Facebook group to over 10,000 members (without using paid advertising). The group was recognized by Facebook and we received an all-expense-paid trip to attend the Facebook Communities Summit hosted at Facebook’s Headquarters.

If you would like a helping hand when it comes to marketing and launching your course, program, membership, online service, or virtual summit, I would love to meet you on a video chat and hear about your business and the areas you’re looking to have help with.

I look forward to meeting you and potentially working together to grow your business!

Warm regards,