Anna Victoria C.


Hey Child Oriented Business Owners!

I am with you in feeling frustrated with all the marketing strategies that don’t and do not bring you results that your business deserve.

Businesses like yours are very reliant on the support of parents and guardians. They are the main fuel that runs your business — and hundreds of other companies.

A lot of child-focused businesses constantly target, acquire, and retain moms and dads who long for services or products that can guide their children to be better persons — and often they will open up their wallets to get the best solutions.

Whether you operate a child care facility, a retailer for children’s clothes, an eCommerce or a service-based business for busy parents, you will likely agree that this bunch is your goldmine!

These parents are aggressively looking for products and services that will serve the needs of their families. They are for all intents and purposes, willing spenders. However, they can be hard to reach.

A parent’s life is not all hug and kisses, it’s mostly populated by errands, bills to pay, deadlines, work, and dozens of stuff that should have been done yesterday. Busy parents. They can be reactive (and some would hardly admit that they are, while others could be dependent on their circumstances). Parents are juggling their busy schedules while relentlessly multitasking.

This is a huge challenge to attract their attention – and sustain it long enough to make a sale.

Why and how do I know all these?

I’m a parent myself! I’m a mom of two (a preschooler and a grade-schooler at that) … thus, I AM YOUR MARKET TOO! As a parent, and a seasoned marketer with years of marketing experience under my belt and a social media marketing strategist… I do understand how parents live and breathe!

These first-hand life experiences of your ideal customers allow me to craft content, strategize social media marketing and offline marketing campaigns that connect to the parents naturally without being pushy.

I only work with 2 clients at a time to provide my full attention and obtain optimal results.

What’s more, my strategies will reduce trial and error by integrating the appropriate marketing strategies that can be implemented right away.

So to avoid the guesswork on a marketing campaign that connects, gets your foot in the door of the parents’ home, and gets a share of their wallet – let’s partner up and get connected.

Let’s bring your brand to the doorsteps of families.