Grady T.


Need an experienced executive Growth Leader?

I focus startups & entrepreneurs on business strategy, formation and planning for growth. These have been with hard goods, services, SaaS and PaaS businesses.

I work best with driven, passionate owner/founders who understand their product and are investing in understanding market, customers and developing sustainable long term growth channels. There are no quick fixes!

After fifteen years of product and channel development, including seven as a global sales and marketing director, I started my consulting business to support developing or launching brands.

I have launched six brands over their first $5m (enterprise and consumer), established a product category with multiple brands partners and managed thousands of channel partners over 300 vertical market segments. I’ve developed brands with ten to thousands of skus.

Functional Expertise
Market Research
Business Planning and Document Writing
Market Strategy and Document Writing
Digital, Channel and Traditional marketing strategy and implementation
Sales & Business Development process development/management
Marketing Content Strategy

I look for clients that I can share my expertise, work hard for and learn from.
Thank you for your consideration, I am excited to learn about your business!
-Grady Teske
Founder & Principle Consultant