Intrepy Healthcare Marketing


Finally a Patient Centric Marketing Agency.
Agency built on experience, backed by data and leading with transparency. Welcome to an agency that actually understands the ends and outs of healthcare.

Meet the Founders
Justin & Kelley Knott Founded Intrepy Healthcare Marketing in 2014
We founded Intrepy Healthcare Marketing because we saw a real need in the medical space for healthcare agencies that really understood providers and the patient journey. We believed there was a lack of transparency and that is what we are striving to deliver to our partner healthcare organizations.

A word to our partners
Marketing is the lifeblood of a business. It can be the deciding factor between success and failure. Our team at Intrepy Healthcare Marketing takes this very seriously. It’s a privilege we do not take lightly when you, as a business, partner with us as the healthcare marketing engine. Our promise to you is to be committed to transparency, a good steward of resources and work daily to grow and strengthen trust. Oh, and to have tons of fun while doing it. Here’s to a successful partnership.