Jonecca S.

Jonecca S.
I’m a marketing strategist and I create a strategy that drives your business’s brand awareness and business growth. Aside from that, I am here to help clients like you have a clear direction of what you want to achieve in terms of revenues and customer profitability.
Analytics, Page Visits, Media impressions and Store Traffic can only show you volumes. Your business should be more than just trends, patterns and reporting. You need to use other forms of planning and strategizing to identify your weak points and address them properly. Through this, we can identify which ones can be converted into sales and help your revenue to increase dramatically.
Listed below are my expertise:
– Project Management
– Digital Marketing
– Social Media Marketing
– Automation and Integration (through Zapier and other methods)
– Email Marketing
– Facebook Ads
– Linkedin Marketing
– E-commerce
– Brand Awareness
– Marketing Funnels
– Etc.
I see marketing as an ever-progressing field with countless opportunities for innovation and effective new strategies for customer engagement.
With my strong marketing experience and skills, I can bring a lot to the table and help you increase productivity and company performance.
As they say, marketing can be tough but I’ll show you how to be tougher.