Shibga Media


Born in Bikrampur, known as the “city of courage” small area south of Bangladesh. My childhood I enjoyed the freedom of no choice of someone living in a third world country amongst nature with no access to technology. I’m not just talking about not having fast Wi-Fi, I’m talking about living in a village where latest technology in a 20 mile radius was a black and white television owned by Chief of the area. My early childhood was mostly in nature but fast forward to 16 years old, my mother was able to scrape enough to send me to a place with more opportunity and I found myself in a very special city called Chiang Mai, just north of Bangkok, Thailand.

Little did I know at that time that I had stumbled onto the SEO capital of the world. It was a diverse economy with a great coffee shop culture, and dozens of new foreigners would be joining the city everyday to embark on their journey to make money online. This exposure was great influence on me and given that I was already a video game addict, SEO in particular came quite easily to me where I saw it as to me as just another challenge on the computer which I would have to figure out and solve. I grew fascinated by the concept of being able to optimize websites and in its entirety and anxiously wait for the ranking affect and increase in traffic that was yet to follow.

Late 2012, at 18 years old, with the help of a scholarship I was able to get admission at Monroe College located north of New York City for for a degree in Marketing. This changed everything. It was the first time I was able to see a clear path where my efforts in SEO could actually equal to a full-time living. The competition in United States is unlike any other place I’ve ever been and the amount of people searching for local services was constantly on the rise and I became obsessed in figuring out not just what works but the processes that will allow duplication of doing SEO properly across many sites.

Somewhere between that time I met a beautiful girl Melanie, who became an integral part of my life and the company. In 2017, we decided that to fully be the best we can be, we should serve and specialize in working with only 1 industry. It would not be just about optimizing websites but we would go deeper by having a vested interest in the quality of the leads we generate. Overall to serve our clients by actually caring about their bottom line and profit they generate from our service. At that time, I only had a handful of clients and I started to have a deeper relationship with those clients to understand the difficulties they were facing in their business outside of SEO. We did not really enjoy working with the white collar industry as doctors and lawyers seemed to have strong assumptions on how search engine optimization should be done which was usually different than our tested methods. We took our focus more towards home services as the ability to track results was a lot more straightforward compared to brick-and-mortar businesses (phone calls as opposed to visits).

One client in particular began gain substantial amount of results from our efforts. He’s a roofer who was also using Home Advisor, and Thumbtack but we were closing the gap rapidly for the amount of leads that he could service by himself. It was during that time when I began to realize that in Roofing there were couple factors which made it beautiful for marketing.

First of all, I took notice of the fact that Roofing was one of the only products where you could literally walk into a home and get a check for more than 10,000 and unlike bathroom or kitchen remodeling, you could literally fulfill on that order within the next day. Secondly, the industry in of itself was a bit more recession-proof due to it being for of a NEED as opposed to other expensive home improvements within the same price point would be considered a luxury or a WANT. Lastly, the fact that just being able to add 1 extra job a week to a roofing business would mark our service to be successful and make our clients very happy.

Late 2017, We decided to work only with roofing contractors…. And the rest is history. As you are reading this right now in 2019, I can say that it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. Not only did it allow us to create a product that increases the success of roofing business we work with, but we also have the freedom to work closely with our clients. We are able to take a personal interest in every single business that we work with – to not just offer our technical services but also provide the consultative clarity which we gather from working with people in the same business, located in different markets across the United States.

If you have read this till this far, I thank you for stopping by. We are not a huge agency but we have serve over 30 Roofing businesses ranging from start-ups to well-established business of all shapes and sizes. If there is one thing I would like to leave this message with is by stating that the opportunity to make a multi-million dollar roofing business is more possible than ever before. I hope to be a part of your growth.