Chipperfield Media


My ability to keep my eye on the big picture while executing each step is a skill that comes naturally to me and has led to result-driven marketing success directly impacting the bottom line.

When it comes to my leadership philosophy, I believe in being an empathetic and enlightened leader nurturing employees as whole people. My interpersonal skills are my superpower which fuels collaboration for high impact solutions. On the other end of a project deadline or business transition is another human. When we can lead with our hearts as well as our minds, we creating points of connection that holds space for employees to be creative therefore increasing performance. This heart-centered approach also allows for a deeper understanding of the customer which increases the bottom line. This is why I’m a big supporter of conscious business practices and the triple bottom line accountability to people, profit and planet.

In 2014, I founded Chipperfield Media, an award-winning digital marketing agency inviting clients to think holistically about marketing by letting go of what they “should” be doing when it comes to marketing, and instead, create an intentional brand matrix that serves their customers and the bottom line from a centered place rooted in brand values and purpose. Currently, I work full time as a Director of Marketing.

I also love teaching and sharing my knowledge having spoken at 45+ conferences and organizations around the country. I am a Marketing Strategy Coach for XXcelerate and I’ve built a marketing course to help entrepreneurs expand their business. I’ve been a contributing writer for SWAAY Media & Thrive Global, and featured in Inc. Magazine online, local news outlets, and been a guest on 20+ podcasts. I am the host of The Holistic Marketing Podcast and currently writing the book, Holistic Marketing for the Conscious Business Leader.

The ribbon that now binds my work is a deep knowing that when we can show up together with integrity and intentionality, the opportunity to create meaningful connections is endless.