
Research & Development company located in Eastern Europe (Ukraine) with 50 employees. Helping founders and CEOs to bring their ideas to the market supporting with promo and marketing content since 2010. Please check out our web page udtech.co/services Our mission – to help people through new technologies. Our goal is the client’s satisfaction, that why our staff reduces the budget for every project by choosing the most suitable architecture and technology on the market. Cooperating with our US and EU partners in such areas: IoT (Internet of Things) Software Development Electronic & Mechanical Engineering (Hardware) Product Prototyping Motion Graphics TECHNOLOGIES Operational Platforms Linux (Ubuntu 16.х, Centos 7, CoreOS, RancherOS) Android iOS Embedded (Raspberry Pi, STM32, Arduino etc.) Application models: web-based platform applications (SPA) mobile platform applications (Android, iPhone) desktop platform applications SaaS services Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) Computer Vision (OpenCV, TensorFlow) TECHNOLOGICAL STACK: Frontend frameworks and languages: Bootstrap ReactJS VueJS HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript TypeScript LESS SASS Backend frameworks and languages Python GoLang PHP (Laravel, Yii2) Desktop ElectronJS Queue managers, RabbitMQ BEANSTALKD Apache Kafka Databases and fast storage servers Redis PostgreSQL 10.x MySQL MongoDB SQLite We are social: facebook page: facebook.com/UDTtech behance portfolio: behance.net/udtechllc Thank you.