Waqas M.


Waqas is a top rated internet sales and marketing professional who has spent the last decade contributing to companies from the e-commerce/e-tail, SaaS, travel/hospitality, telecom and healthcare industries.

-Strategic & Analytical
-Data Driven & Insightful
-Adaptive Storyteller

Proven Skills:
– Email Marketing & Automation
– Email Deliverability Consulting
– Social Media Marketing
– Pay Per Click Advertising
– Website/Marketing Analytics
– Multidimensional Marketing Strategy
– Conversion Rate Optimization

What clients say about Waqas:

“Waqas will do the job.
He knows what he is doing.”
– Seifuddeen Abdullah Naki Goodwin, Founder & CEO at The Blessed Seed

Waqas supported FLOS in many aspects of our email marketing campaign including but not limited to the setup of our database, segmentation, and automation campaigns. Our email marketing revenue more than tripled with his support in a year. He’s a fantastic partner with experience and not afraid to speak up with ideas. Highly recommended!
– Daniel Kamen, E-Commerce Director at FLOS

I have been meaning to tell you for a while now, I think you are really doing an AMAZING job for us. I am VERY happy with your work Waqas. We would be out of the email business if it was not for you.
– Travis Rodgers, CEO at RecordLinc, Inc.

Waqas has been an important part in taking Gullnummer from 2,000 USD in monthly revenue, to around 20,000 USD. He has helped the company set up an email marketing strategy, as well as strategizing and managing other marketing channels.
– Martin Jensen, CEO at Gullnummer AS

Waqas was a great asset to our team for close to a year. Dedicated and ready to help, he would show initiative to foster the business and think on his feet. Any business will be lucky to have him.
– Phil Cohen, CEO at and TransLex, Inc.

Waqas without question is one of the best employees I have ever hired. Over the past year, I came to know Waqas on a personal side and came to understand his world-view of business, and his general knowledge of technology. I can honestly say his depth of knowledge and the contributions he made are equal to management ten or twenty years his senior. I could not extend enough acclaim to Waqas, or his ability to become the most valuable employee for any organization in almost any role. He is that gifted, and without question that valuable.
– Paul St. Onge, CEO at Email Ideas, LLC