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Spend less time on email.
Go through your emails faster than ever before, keep your inbox organized, and never lose track of a conversation.
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“KanbanMail takes your inbox from a confusing mess and turns it into a clear action plan!”
Spend less time on email
By instantly seeing which emails need action, you can zip through your inbox faster than ever before and spend more time on the things you love.
Private and Secure
KanbanMail doesn’t even store or process your emails on its servers. They remain safe with your email provider and are requested over https only. Additionally, KanbanMail doesn’t request permission to permanently delete emails.
Created by a real human
Building useful, beautiful and intuitive products is a craft. I’m one person who cares a lot about helping everyone stay productive, and I’m passionate about what I create. Support small makers with a personality instead of massive soulless corporations!
More than a Kanban board
KanbanMail has a ton of cool features to help you be more productive.
More than a Kanban board
KanbanMail has a ton of cool features to help you be more productive.
Smarter profile pictures
KanbanMail looks for the best profile picture available for each person by using multiple sources including Google, Gravatar, and the Clearbit Logo API. You can expect to see more avatars than you do in Gmail!