Analytics SEO

Analytics SEO
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Analytics SEO is a search engine optimization software developed by a Swedish company. It provides a comprehensive SEO solution to online businesses that don’t require a great deal of precision or specialization. Some of the many features included in this platform are site audit, keyword analysis, backlinking analysis, content marketing tools, and more. The software performs site audits with a web crawler that’s built to emulate the search engines. This will help to root out numerous site issues you have. The software could be easily integrated with third-party analytics and data platforms to aid in a comprehensive analysis of your website.
Learn how to drive SEO traffic that converts
SEO Software that helps clients grow organic traffic that converts
We’ve been collecting SERP data from all the major global search engines for over a decade and after acquiring Linkdex in 2018, we have over 125 million commercial keywords in our database.
Gain competitive insights, monitor your rankings and get ahead in the market with Authoritas. We provide:
Keyword research
Keyword Rank Tracking
Competitor insight
Technical audits
Backlink analysis
We’ve been collecting SERP (Search Engine Result Page) data from all the major global search engines for over a decade. Our keyword monitoring platform allows you to cost-effectively collect data for millions of keywords on a daily basis and includes many unique features such as:
Support for Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, Baidu worldwide
Mobile and/or Desktop rankings
Accurate local rankings down to latitude and longitude level
In-depth Universal Search Result analysis on Google
Top 100 results and ranking URLs
Stored SERP screenshots
Platform and ad-hoc SERPs API for high-volume requests
You can import (from .csv or other platforms), organize, group and tag your keywords and we automatically collect AdWords search volumes, CPC (Cost Per Click) and competition data for all keywords.