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Better moderation, accuracy and efficiency

AI and human powered content moderation tools and services for online platforms.

This is what we handle

Eliminating fraud is a must, yet every successful platform knows it’s not enough. Success is built on three pillars – trust, content quality, and user experience.

That´s why we manage a broad range of content challenges.


2% of all user generated content is fraudulent. Protect your users against romance scams, pyramid schemes or “too good to be true” offers.


75% of users encounter duplicate content when browsing online marketplaces. Improve user experience and onsite SEO with de-duplation tech.

Image quality

100% of users state that image quality is the main reason for preferring one site over another. Remove stock photos, blurry images, and other low-quality pictures.


Keep your site family-friendly by rejecting inappropriate pictures and preventing unsolicited offers before they go live.


13% of people have stopped using an online service after observing harassment of others. Stop both targeted harassment, hate speech, and social bullying.


Counterfeits are consistently one of the top 3 items we reject. Improve user experience and avoid lawsuits by removing fake products from your site.

Illegal items

Comply with ever more stringent government regulations by removing illegal items like drugs, weapons or culturally sensitive content.


73% would not return to a site where they encountered irrelevant items. Increase conversion and reduce churn by ensuring correct categorization.