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Next Generation Video Personalization Technology

Deploying Broadcast Quality Video Personalization Technology For Broadcast, OTT & Addressable TV Industries

For Advertisers
Achieve exceptional performance and increase return on investment with highly scalable data-driven TV, VOD & OTT advertising.

For Broadcasters
Television viewers create a wealth of data just waiting for you to tap into— the trick is knowing where to start.

For Agencies
Create and serve powerful data driven personalised campaigns that span video, OTT, connected TV, mobile and web, to exceed client expectations and goals.
Unlock The Power Of Your TV & OTT Advertising
For the first time, Cablato enables you to communicate with customers and prospects on a one-to-one basis across the devices and experiences that mean the most to them.

Cablato’s product portfolio covers the entire value chain of professional video personalisation. A conscious choice of combining buy-side and sell-side solutions that directly interface into existing broadcaster technologies and infrastructure to maximise performance and minimise disruption.

Cablato’s product suite includes all the tools creative, planning and sell-side organizations require for creating, serving and managing personalised advertising campaigns.