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Embracing The Future of Programmatic Video Advertising

Chocolate Premium is an invite-only platform offering unique premium programmatic video supply to premium brands. The world’s first and only video SSP with 100% server-side auctions and one of the early video partners for Google Exchange Bidding (EBDA)

Maximize Value of Your Advertising Spend

Chocolate Premium offers significant cost savings (15-20%) for programmatic buyers. Combined with high viewability rates (> 80%) and ideal SPO, buyers can offer better ad experience to end-users. Get access to premium video supply across mobile web, mobile app, desktop and CTV from leading media and broadcast publishers globally.

Leverage Our Programmatic Demand Easily With Google Exchange Bidding (EBDA)

Chocolate is one of the early video-only partners for Google Exchange Bidding (now know as Open Bidding). Access our global programmatic demand with a simple activation via EB. Start monetizing mobile web & app, desktop and OTT inventory with video ads instantly.

Ideal Supply Path Optimization

Get premium video supply from publishers via direct contracts. Powered by server-side auction mechanism, buyers get the shortest path to premium supply as complex navigation through header wrappers & tags is eliminated. By co-locating our data servers close to end-users in US, EU and APAC we enable the shortest path to premium audience.