Computer Market Research

Computer Market Research

Computer Market Research


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Channel Challenges? We Have the Solutions
Partner Portal

A collaborative, customizable, and high-performance portal purpose-built to achieve your unique channel management needs while enabling partner success.

Channel Data Management
Centralized Channel Data Management Solution with Unmatched Flexibility

Computer Market Research’s Channel Data Management Solutions Provide:
• A comprehensive view of price adjustment programs (marketing, rebates, etc.) compared with sales data to calculate program cost, determine net revenue, and validate claims.
• Access to channel point of sale (POS) data in a centralized, web-based application that eliminates manual collection and processing of sales out reports.

Channel Sales Management
A One-Stop-Shop for all your Indirect Sales Channel Needs

Computer Market Research’s Channel Sales Management Solutions Provide Manufacturers:
• An automated registration-to-closure process that makes it easy for partners to register their deals, to look up the status of approvals, and make updates to deals that are in progress. Our intuitive automated payment process provides a variety of tools to extract rich data from a SPIF program.
• The ability to identify and solve potential problems early in the sales cycle by reporting the most current information about distributors’ and resellers’ channel activities


Channel Marketing Management
Web-Based Applications Designed to Amplify Indirect Marketing Efforts

Computer Market Research’s Robust Channel Marketing Management Solutions Provide:
• An automated and centralized platform for all partner requests and claims for easy monitoring of trade promotions.
• Ability to monitor every stage of the channel marketing process as well as offer channel partners visibility into sales tiers at the company or representative level.
• Capability to leverage partners’ local presence, through email messaging, social media, and web visitors, to drive demand and generate more leads for any number of partners.