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ConnectAudience – Seamless Autoresponder & FB™ Account Integration For MASSIVE ROI Boosts

Increase Your Revenue Per Subscriber By 156% to 243%

Easily multiply sales generated from your subscriber lists. Best of all, without sending more emails!

Create FB™ Ad Campaigns That Deliver Insane ROI!

By creating super-profitable campaigns that will target exactly the subscribers you want… it doesn’t get any easier!

Integrates With Your FB™ Account and Autoresponders For Seamless Efficiency

No more time wasted exporting, downloading CSV files, filtering subscribers, and (re)building custom audiences manually, etc. ConnectAudience manages everything for you!

Cloud-based Software

Nothing to download or install. Use via any web browser! Compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux and even tablets or mobile devices!

Get Your Subscriber Lists and Facebook™ Retargeting Working Together In Ways You Never Imagined…

ConnectAudience is a simple-to-use application.

Now, there’s ZERO need to be a Facebook™ ads expert, hire outsourcers, or spend thousands of dollars on complicated marketing apps.

With ConnectAudience, virtually anyone can become a Facebook™ marketing pro – in minutes!

Now with ConnectAudience, the whole ‘import to custom audiences’ is easy

Simple interface that manages BOTH your email lists AND your Facebook™ custom audiences: Automatically and with laser-precision.

Completely automated, eliminates all guesswork and manages your custom audiences for you 24/7: Making you a more efficient marketer.

Build laser-targeted and / or segmented audiences: It’s easier than ever to create unlimited unique audiences from WARM traffic, based on your preferences.

Effortlessly expand your marketing reach by tapping into Facebook™’s lookalike audience feature: Without ever leaving the ConnectAudience dashboard.