Cool Tabs


Social Listening & Analytics
Monitor and analyze the conversations your customers and users generate about your brand, competition, sector or any other topic. Transform collected data into actionable statistics.

Global analysis
Monitor all relevant content and conversations from any source of information in real time: social networks, forums, media and websites.

Custom actions
Generate custom reports with automatic content classification and take action with the help of smart alerts for volume, time, location, category, etc.

Full brand monitoring
On social networks
We monitor user conversations about your brand or competitor across social media, in real time.

In the media
Our tool can analyze any digital media platform and news portal to extract relevant information about any trending topic.

Forums & websites
Broaden your search and monitoring reach by analyzing other sources of content and information. We can analyze any website or forum you want and integrate the results into your dashboard.

What’s up with your social media profiles?
Analyze how your (or your competitor’s) Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram profiles are evolving. Create reports that are adapted to your needs.

More on Social Analytics

What are people saying about a trending topic?
Collect data on any trending topic by monitoring conversations on social media using a specific hashtag, mention or keyword