Curation Soft

Curation Soft
- Free
Curation Soft is an all-inclusive content curation tool for marketers and businesses. This solution allows users to quickly sift through a variety of features including backlink generation, HTML text editing, keyword research, multiple sources and more. Curated content is a wonderful way to optimize, prioritize, and remain fresh through a streamlined algorithm. This tool can help cultivate a niche-friendly set of content that’s empowering, effective, and ideal for building a strong brand. In this day and age, a tool with such impressive qualities can push a business in the right direction and make content marketing a breeze in all niches.
28,000+ Users Use The #1 Tool to Discover, Review and Curate Content for Google-friendly posts, thought leadership, authority posts and publications!!
Lightning fast results. Incredibly easy to use. Higher rankings. Original credits preserved.
Why Use CurationSoft 3.0?
Discover, Review and Curate Content from Google Blogs, News and Books, Google Plus, Facebook, Amazon, Ebay, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram, Wikipedia, ANY RSS Feed You Want and Much More.
Content curation is the process of sharing information on topics that people do a lot of searching for. It is about giving people a concise information, that you’ve carefully researched and organized into a blog post with your own commentary added.
CurationSoft 3.0 Key Features
Better Rankings
CurationSoft builds back links and increases your search engine rankings. Because you are creating topic-based posts Google is more likely to consider your content more relevant and rank it higher.
Build Your Own Castle
CurationSoft is the first desktop based curation software that posts to your site. A quick look at nearly all of our competitors and you’ll find that they are having you “build their castle”. Meaning, the content you post is stored on their site and benefits them and not you.
Works Anywhere
You can “Drag and Drop” content from CurationSoft into any HTML text editor. Because of this, the software can be used on any platform, remote blogs, static & dynamic HTML pages and even forums that accept HTML. The options are endless.
Easy to Use and Fast
By design, CurationSoft is simple to use. Search by keyword, choose your content, drag and drop, add your commentary and post. Results are generated lightning fast and you’ll find it’s actually fun to use CurationSoft. Stop dreading everyday sharing and posting.
Generate Backlinks
Each time you link to a blog in CurationSoft it generates a pingback. If the blog you are linking to accepts pingbacks, then you will receive a link from that blog. No more begging for back links or tedious commenting, just link to their site when they have an informative post.
Multiple Sources
Use CurationSoft to search blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Google News and Flickr for fantastic content your readers will love. CurationSoft covers all the buzz in your market. More sources like Wikipedia, Facebook and more are in development.
No Copyright Issues
All the content CurationSoft returns is safe to use. Photos have the proper license, blog posts are sourced and linked to, YouTube videos are embedded which is compliant with their terms of service. We respect copyrights and don’t want to get you into trouble.
Save Hours of Time
Drag and drop the hottest stuff in your niche! Fire up CurationSoft and get a full, exceptionally curated post done in a fraction of the time. Curated content is easier and makes your blog a hot destination of quality, filtered content.