Embed Social


from $29
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reviews stars “I honestly am amazed”

#1 User-Generated Content Platform
Generate social media feeds, reviews, stories, or photos and embed them on any website. Automatically and in seconds.

Not just widgets.
A full toolset of UGC solutions
Official API integrations with all major social media channels plus built-in products

Facebook albums

Social media aggregator

Reputation management

Instagram stories

Feedback forms builder

Instagram Link in Bio

Embed shoppable social media feed on your website
A social media aggregator with official API integration with all major social networks to help any brand easily collect user-generated content for their marketing efforts.
Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and TikTok Feeds
Product Tagging & Curation
Templates & Customizations
… and many more features.

Turn your Instagram stories into interactive web widgets
Auto-generate your Instagram stories and embed unique story widgets on your website. Additionally, tag your products and use visual marketing to sell more.
Shoppable Stories
Story Bookends
Instagram Highlights Widgets
… and many more features.

Google & Facebook reviews on your website in seconds
An API-integrated platform that will help you to automatically collect customer reviews from the major social media networks and create interactive testimonial widgets that work on any website. No coding skills required.
SEO Stars Snippet
SMS & Email Reviews
Dedicated Reviews Page
… and many more features.

Build all your web forms fast and easy, without coding
EmbedForms is a powerful form builder with tons of pre-made templates that make the creating process fast and easy. Sounds regular? It can also transform the boring web forms into engaging widgets that can be placed on any website position.
Pre-Built Form Templates
Embeddable Web Widgets
Export & Share Responses
… and many more features.

Works with 99.9% of the popular CMS platforms and web builders
We integrate with tons of other apps, e-commerce platforms (Shopify or Magento), and web builders. Native apps are available, too.
More embedding options: iframe or shortcodes
Constantly add new integrations