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Expressroom takes care of your content, so you can take care of your business.

With XML on the backend, publishing in Expressroom is easy.

Multimedia PublishingCreate and manage your content in one place for mobile, web and print. Stop worrying about keeping multiple versions in sync.

WorkflowCompletely customizable workflow gives you the peace of mind that all your content is approved before it gets published.

Safe CollaborationCheck-in/check-out + versioning keeps group collaboration civilized. No more tripping over each other when deadlines are tight.

Design Your WayUse the front-end technology you already know: HTML, CSS, Javascript or your favorite framework. Expressroom works with the skill sets you have on hand today.

XML DataXML gives your content the right amount of structure, so your content can evolve as your business grows. Plan for the future without being locked in the past.

AutomationStreamline repetitive processes with rule-based automation. Focus on your content, not on how it gets out there.