

from $59
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Pinpoint email issues before you hit “send”
Improve Your Content
Test All Major ISPs
Increase Open Rates
All tools in one place
We have every tool you need to maximize inbox deliverability
Inbox Placement

Get a report of any potential delivery issues with your outgoing messages.

Reputation Check

Audit your sending IP and Domain against 50+ industry blacklists.

DMARC Analytics

Monitor, capture, separate, and reject any email pretending to be you.

Bounce Analytics

Track if your content or IP is blocked by Gmail, Yahoo!, or other ISPs.

Template Editor

Identify “risky” content and clean HTML errors to ensure delivery.

Automatic Tests

Run automatic tests and get notified about issues when they occur.

Monitoring and Alerts

Get notified if deliverability issues occur by email, slack or telegram.

Why GlockApps is your success factor

We believe in five principles of high email deliverability:

Keep your email list squeaky clean

Use double opt-in

Write spam-free content

Authenticate your messages

Use GlockApps