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Twitter analytics to help you understand and grow your audience.

Your Twitter account, like you’ve never seen it before.
ilo surfaces helpful metrics quickly so you can understand and grow both engagement and followers.
Perfect for individuals and businesses.

Better analytics.

ilo digs deeper and shows more data. So. Many. Charts.

By tracking your tweet activity, impressions and granular engagements, ilo makes it easy to see how your tweets perform.

Beautiful, useful charts.

ilo’s charts and tables give you a brand new way to view your tweets.

Custom metrics like “Engagements per Tweet” and “Engagements per Impression” surface data you’ve never seen before.

Understand engagement.

With one glance, easily see which kind of tweets get more impressions, likes or profile clicks.

Order tweets by different metrics to understand which are most enjoyed by your audience.

Key features
A dashboard full of charts and figures

Get a full overview of your tweet performance and follower growth from a detailed and helpful dashboard.

Tweet timelines

Unique to ilo! View a chart showing engagements and impressions over each tweet’s first 24 hours.

Easily switch between accounts

Monitor multiple Twitter accounts with ilo and switch between them with a single click.

Email digests

Get a quick overview of each day’s tweet performance in your inbox.

A table of tweets for quick metrics

ilo lays out your tweets in a simple but powerful table so you can easily look at figures quickly, by any metric (impressions, likes, replies etc.)

Make your dashboard public

Similar to the “open startup” movement, ilo allows you to make your Twitter stats public.