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Cloud Flexible Analytics, Dashboards, & Reporting
Your choice of platform, our BI developers’ one-on-one guidance

Embedding, single-sign-on, theming and rebranding with our expert help for a seamless online user experience

Empower all users with data insight in the cloud computing & SaaS era

InetSoft’s analytics and reporting are designed and optimized for cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service where software and data are increasingly distributed between cloud-based and in-house applications. InetSoft’s cloud-first, small-footprint architecture allows highly flexible options for embedding and rebranding regardless of InetSoft-hosting, self-hosting, hybrid-cloud, or on-premise deployment. Empower your customers and business users with:

Analytics & Reporting in One
Even though sometimes used interchangeably by business users, in a technical sense, analytics and reporting have distinct characteristics. InetSoft’s combined solution offers flexible data and visual dashboards for analytics. The reporting component delivers paginated content, especially helpful for voluminous details.

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Boundaryless Self-Service
Unlike traditional business intelligence where a chasm exists between designer tools (desktop tools in most cases) and user tools, InetSoft provides a unified, modular web app. With strong safeguards, users can be selectively granted access to various components for self-service for visual analysis, dashboarding, reporting, and data preparation.

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Agile Data Mashup
Cloud computing and SaaS have greatly sped up technology cycles. The accompanying growth in data volume, variety and velocity requires an equally agile business intelligence solution that can mashup data and deliver insights. Data mashup is an integrated part of InetSoft’s unified web app. It allows both BI experts and data knowledgeable users to easily and quickly utilize all data to maximize business benefits.

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On-Demand Mini-Warehouse
Cloud computing, sometimes in combination with in-house systems, creates new data challenges where data sources vary greatly in volume, rate limits, and transfer speed. When data sources are not delivering speed-of-thought performance, administrators and users alike can leverage InetSoft’s on-demand mini-warehouse that mashes up all sources with a high-performance data engine.

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InetSoft offers three products with a focus on different usage models. They are based on the same analytic engine and Big Data platform.

Style Scope
Visualization dashboards, analytics and real-time monitoring

Rapid Design, Maximum Self-Service
Rapid development and quick iteration enabled by a single web app integrating data mashup and visual dashboards. Skill-matched self-service for casual and power users through flexible permission control

Unified Online/Offline Content
The professional authoring tool is not only for developing pixel-perfect, page-oriented reports, but also for creating a data mashup foundation that permits end user online ad-hoc reporting

Mashup Human & Machine Intelligence
Besides combining visualization and publishing on top of a common data mashup engine, Style Intelligence makes machine learning accessible to business users with a minimum learning curve


InetSoft’s versatile solutions have been applied across many industries, business functions, and departments. The data connection capability includes a large selection of built-in connectors as well as custom data sources.