- Monthly Subscription
Recruit better. Hire Faster.
Find and hire the right talent, fast with the only hiring platform built for businesses like yours.
Our customers love us, and we know you will too.
Unlimited Jobs and Users
Unlimited jobs & users.
Say goodbye to pay per user and limited channels. JazzHR offers unlimited users and jobs right out of the box without any added fees or costs.
Get up and running fast.
Finding the right talent can be challenging. Our platform is ready to use upon sign up and lets you focus on the human side of recruiting.
Highly customizable.
Our software is built on the principle that every team’s process is unique. JazzHR gives you the power to create a customized solution tailored for your specific hiring needs.
JazzHR easily integrates with all of your favorite HR tools.
From importing your new hire information to full benefits management, we have you covered.
Bring the power of our recruiting solution to your customers.
Grow your client base and business, all while earning revenue through the JazzHR Partner Program.
Start making great hires today.
Try JazzHR for free – no credit card required – to see how easy it is to streamline and improve your entire recruiting process.
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