Kelkoo Group


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We connect agencies to audiences

Access scalable solutions for your clients and make the most of your performance campaigns

We connect merchants to consumers

Grow your business and receive incremental e-commerce leads to your online shop

Gain new customers and sales through our performance platform

Our portfolio of solutions leverage our in-house data, exceptional talent and deep expertise to help you reach ambitious performances

For merchants

Get qualified leads and develop visibility


For publishers

Monetise your website audience


For agencies

Access scalable solutions

We have a solid and innovative technology platform

All our insights and tools are designed with customers in mind

Agility & Scalability
Agile development and Behaviour
Driven Development
Best of class Continuous Delivery approach
Optimal Availability
Adapt easily to technical and market changes
Worldwide solutions with local infrastructure available
Sizeable in-house team with technical expertise and pan-European market experience
Long term partnerships with our technical partners
Building long term, production-grade tools