Linkfluence Search


Search Any Keyword for Instant Social Data Analysis in 1 Click
Linkfluence SEARCH, the easiest search engine to discover market trends and brand insights.

Linkfluence Search gives you the fastest and easiest way to track trends, benchmark against competitors, and measure your campaigns with zero setup.

Audience summary
Understand your audience at a glance and get key demographic summaries of who’s talking about your brand or keywords, on which platforms, and in which countries.

The simplest way to truly know who talks about you online.

Topic analysis
Learn the themes most associated with your keywords of interest with the topic wheel.

An easy way to find new trends and see what else people talk about when they mention your brand.

Sentiment & emoji analysis
Discover the good, the bad, and the angry with AI-enriched analysis for sentiment and emojis, to better understand brand perceptions and associations.

These tools enhance social media data and help to tell the full story at a glance.

Advanced filter search
Cut through the noise with our advanced filters to combine or eliminate keywords, and drill down to specific platforms, countries, languages, gender, and more.

Social media can be noisy. These powerful filters help you cut through.

Image & video wall
Picture your brand instantly with our image wall to discover how your customers talk about you visually on social media and the web.

Image and video are more important than ever. Stay in control your brand image online.