Lumina Datamatics
Lumina Datamatics
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The e-commerce industry is evolving at a rapid rate in a bid to please customers, and it is a challenge for companies to stay afloat amid tough competition and ever-changing needs.
Lumina Datamatics offers a wide range of game-changing content and technology solutions & services that enable publishers to adapt to the digital revolution.
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Lumina Datamatics brings together a gamut of mission-critical products, services and solutions to help businesses of all sizes, across industries navigate successfully into a digital future.
CAPS is a cloud-based authoring and production platform that enables publishers to create, edit and proofread content, and deliver across print, online & digital channels.
Provides precise & accurate data that is updated in real-time. Utilize this solution to set compelling pricing strategies.
RightsPlatform also enables you to efficiently & accurately manage the rights clearance process.
ExpertSource is a cloud-based workforce solution that connects publishers with experienced publishing professionals all across the world.