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Create smarter events.

Lyyti is an event management software that helps you create live, online and hybrid events. The kind that foster meaningful encounters, build strong relationships and lead to better business.

Save time, money and nerves by letting someone else do the heavy lifting. Lyyti’s automated features take care of the details you’re used to doing manually, which leaves you more time to focus on the actual content of the event.

Make the event worthwhile for everyone involved: you, your partners and your participants. With Lyyti, you’ll effortlessly manage event activities, keep your partners up to date, and your participants engaged and happy.

Prove that events are effective because you know they make sense. Measuring, reporting and analysing your event data will help you demonstrate that events influence business in a significant way.

Key features
Invitations & registrations

Signing up for an event should be easy as pie. Invite and register your guests effortlessly and with style, without a single email inquiry, phone call or booking gone missing.

Event communication

Connect with your crowd. Consistent, well-timed and relevant communication is the most powerful tool for creating successful events – for event organisers and participants alike.


Share your data. Create relevant and concise reports of your event and participant data in no time – then distribute it to colleagues, partners and other software in real-time.