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What Machete can do for you
Daily summary of spending and income
Stop wasting time copying data into spreadsheets! Machete calculates your daily sales, spending, ACOS, and other metrics and puts them right at the top your Amazon dashboard.

Update thousands of keywords with just a few clicks
Machete puts bulk update capacity at your fingertips, so you don’t have to change bids on hundreds of keywords one at a time. You can even change keywords in multiple campaigns at once!

Instantly spot your most profitable keywords
Machete’s keyword visualizer makes it easy to see which keywords are making you money, and which ones need to go.

Stop spending money without returns
Machete gives you reports specifically designed to weed out low-performing keywords and move your spending to places where it pays you back.

Know when your campaigns are cooling down
With Machete, you don’t need to wonder if your campaign’s performance is starting to falter. Instant graphs on your dashboard let you know exactly which way things are headed, and detailed history charts let you discover long-term trends that impact your bottom line.